
  • EBA consults on ESG risk management Guidelines

    19 January 2024
  • UNEP FI: Financial Institutions set to start on nature reporting

    14 December 2023
  • Last push to strengthen due diligence in finance sector ahead of CSDDD Trilogue

    13 December 2023

    NGOs and civil society organisations have urged the EU to include the financial sector in the scope of the Due Diligence Directive, after pushback from member states

  • Building data bridges between sustainability and finance teams

    07 December 2023

    Panellists at Corporate Disclosures 2023 conference discuss their approach to data collection and governance across their companies' departments

  • Basel Committee proposes climate risk disclosure framework

    29 November 2023
  • GPW/EBRD release ESG reporting guidelines

    19 October 2023
  • Deutsche Bank releases initial Transition Plan

    19 October 2023
  • PCAF launches GHG accounting training program

    19 September 2023
  • Bendigo and Adelaide Bank releases 2023 sustainability report

    12 September 2023
  • BNP Paribas: Assessing biodiversity footprint

    11 September 2023