Top stories

  • Investors worry of waves of modified sustainability assurance opinions

    24 July 2024
  • Webinar: recommendations for a CSRD-compliant double materiality assessment

    23 July 2024

    Gemma Sancez Danes, member of EFRAG's sustainability reporting leadership team, outlines the key considerations for assessing sustainability-related impacts, risks and opportunities through a double materiality lens

  • CSRD transposition delays add to complexity

    23 July 2024

    Potential delays to requirements, on top of different approaches to assurance and penalties amongst adopters

  • Accountancy Europe names Eelco van der Enden as CEO

    22 July 2024

    Van Der Enden announced he was stepping down as GRI CEO earlier this year

  • "We need less input base disclosures on social metrics" Aegon UK head of RI says

    19 July 2024

    Hilkka Komulainen advocates for more evidenced-based disclosures

  • EFRAG approves XBRL Taxonomy for ESRS

    17 July 2024

    With final document expected to be published next month

  • Newsom proposes two-year delay to California climate disclosure requirements

    12 July 2024

    Mandatory reporting on Scope 1 and 2 emissions and climate-related risks would be pushed back to 2028, under proposed amendments

  • Australian government tables revised tax transparency law

    11 July 2024

    Parliament debating public country-by-country reporting legislation

  • Fox fights back, after NGO calls for disclosures on the risks of misleading news coverage

    10 July 2024

    Company requests SEC exclude proposal, claiming the resolution is based on a 'vague and indefinite' statement and pertains to 'ordinary business'

  • French companies brand the CSRD as a "driver for business transformation"

    08 July 2024

    Despite the associated financial cost, which they quantified at...