
  • Shift's guidelines for designing better social indicators and metrics

    25 July 2024
  • "We need less input base disclosures on social metrics" Aegon UK head of RI says

    19 July 2024

    Hilkka Komulainen advocates for more evidenced-based disclosures

  • Social Benchmark shows companies not prepared for CSDDD requirements

    03 July 2024

    World Benchmarking Alliance finds poor performance from large companies on human rights due diligence, shareholder engagement, and grievance mechanisms

  • GRI issues draft updates to workforce standards

    11 June 2024
  • ExxonMobil rebuffs reporting proposals amid dispute with environmental groups

    07 June 2024

    Shareholders reject resolutions on social and environmental disclosures, after company's criticisms of shareholder advocacy groups

  • Transparency International: Corruption disclosure requirements in the ESRS

    04 June 2024
  • Meta rejects proposals to report on child safety measures

    04 June 2024

    Shareholders vote against resolutions requesting disclosures on child safety policies and an assessment of the minimum age requirements for social media platforms

  • Cola giants vote against health risk disclosures

    09 May 2024

    Proposals for reports on the health risks associated with non-sugar sweeteners rejected at Coca-Cola and PepsiCo's AGMs

  • 'A running start' on human capital disclosures

    30 April 2024

    ISSB urged to build on SASB and other investor initiatives and standards, as it begins its research project on workforce-related risks and opportunities

  • ExxonMobil bites back at disclosure resolutions

    17 April 2024

    And rails against shareholder advocacy groups in proxy memo