
  • Challenges remain as EFRAG readies draft oil and gas standard

    02 July 2024

    Companies and board members raise concerns that sector-specific standard will be too granular and not adequately aligned with international standards and frameworks

  • SASB Madness: Our House

    01 July 2024

    ISSB board members ponder whether to do a want a quick renovation job or an entire new blueprint for SASB standards

  • Australian government sets out sustainability reporting strategy

    25 June 2024

    Four priorities outlined in Pillar One of the Sustainable Finance Roadmap

  • ISSB faces uphill battle on biodiversity

    25 June 2024

    Collaboration vital as standard-setter faces up to the inherent challenges of nature-related reporting

  • Toyota shareholders reject proposal on climate lobbying disclosures

    19 June 2024

    As investors groups raise concerns over the company's political engagement on electric vehicles

  • French accounting standards setter releases ESRS application guidance

    18 June 2024

    As companies start to grasp the regime shift introduce by CSRD

  • Türkiye's ISSB capacity building strategy

    13 June 2024

    Regulator sets out programme for helping companies with their reporting obligations and building the country's sustainability-related competencies

  • ExxonMobil rebuffs reporting proposals amid dispute with environmental groups

    07 June 2024

    Shareholders reject resolutions on social and environmental disclosures, after company's criticisms of shareholder advocacy groups

  • Meta rejects proposals to report on child safety measures

    04 June 2024

    Shareholders vote against resolutions requesting disclosures on child safety policies and an assessment of the minimum age requirements for social media platforms

  • ACCA's eight-step reporting plan for SMEs

    31 May 2024

    Guidance sets out how small businesses can implement a robust process for disclosing sustainability data