
  • UK TAC revives dynamic materiality, and is divided on SASB

    09 August 2024

    So far the UK Technical Advisory Committee tentatively recommends not amending ISSB, including its investor-focused financial-materiality lens, but asks for more guidance

  • Democrats seek Sope 3 disclosure guidance law

    08 August 2024

    Legislation introduced to require EPA to issue additional guidelines on indirect emissions

  • Back to ISSB baseline for Australian reporting standards

    06 August 2024
  • US SEC urged to introduce tax transparency rule

    02 August 2024

    Investors call for mandatory public country-by-country reporting for listed US companies

  • Nike under investor pressure on supply chain due diligence

    01 August 2024

    Two shareholder resolutions request that the company evaluate how it can better identify and address human rights-related risks through its supply chain

  • German government adopts draft CSRD transposition law

    31 July 2024

    No 'gold plating' and no admission of independent assurance providers in draft text

  • UK sets out climate strategy reporting requirements for public sector bodies

    30 July 2024

    As phase 3 of the mandatory TCFD-aligned reporting regime for government bodies

  • ISSB looks to take driving interoperability seat with sector specific standards

    30 July 2024

    As board ponders 'interoperability 2.0'

  • Investors worry of waves of modified sustainability assurance opinions

    24 July 2024
  • Webinar: recommendations for a CSRD-compliant double materiality assessment

    23 July 2024

    Gemma Sancez Danes, member of EFRAG's sustainability reporting leadership team, outlines the key considerations for assessing sustainability-related impacts, risks and opportunities through a double materiality lens