
  • Chubb rejects disclosures on financed and facilitated emissions

    23 May 2024

    Shareholder resolution voted down, and similar proposals rejected at Travelers and Berkshire Hathaway

  • UK FCA signposts ISSB voluntary adoption in light of delayed UK endorsement

    22 May 2024
  • "CSRD is not about extraterritoriality, it's about having a level playing field in the EU," DG Fisma reiterates

    17 May 2024

    Sven Gentner, head of unit at DG Fisma, debunked the notion that CSRD was an exterritorial regulation at an event organised in the European Parliament this week.

  • Large asset owners NBIM, CalPERS and CalSTRS backed Domini's TNFD proposals at Home Depot

    17 May 2024

    Awareness of institutional investors highlights financial materiality of nature-related issues

  • CSRD, a compliance exercise as much as companies want it to be

    16 May 2024
  • UK Government announces delayed timeline for ISSB-endorsement

    16 May 2024

    Department of Business and Trade publishes terms of Reference for the Development of UK Sustainability Reporting Standards

  • EFRAG SRB approves ESRS/TNFD mapping

    15 May 2024

    Mapping document shows consistency in definitions, concepts and disclosures, but TNFD requires more specificity and granularity than the environmental ESRS

  • Investors call for AI transparency at US entertainment companies

    14 May 2024

    Shareholders to vote on an AI transparency report at Paramount, after similar proposals at Apple and Disney received widespread support

  • US Corporate Transparency Act under threat?

    09 May 2024

    Government challenges court ruling as GOP Representatives table bill to block reporting requirements

  • Cola giants vote against health risk disclosures

    09 May 2024

    Proposals for reports on the health risks associated with non-sugar sweeteners rejected at Coca-Cola and PepsiCo's AGMs